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As illegal and a violation of the US Constitution.

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Q: Abraham Lincoln thought secession was
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Why did many southerns feel that secession was necessary after Lincoln won the presidency in 1860?

because southerners thought Abraham Lincoln was going to remove slavery

What were the events that led to the secession of the confederate states?

The issues that led to the secession had been festering for a long time, but it was the election of Abraham Lincoln that precipitated the secession.

Abraham Lincoln declared what in Baltimore to prevent marylands secession?

Martial Law

What argument did southern states base secession on?

Slavery and the election of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln's counterpart adversary in the crisis of the secession was?

President Jefferson Davis.

What event provoked the secession of the Southern States for the US?

the election of Abraham Lincoln.

What problems or conflicts did Abraham Lincoln face?

Abraham Lincoln faced the secession crisis that erupted into the Civil War.

The secession of South Carolina from the Union in 1860 was prompted by?

the election of Abraham Lincoln as President.

In what state was support for secession strongest after Abraham Lincoln was elected president?

south carolina

Whose election promted the secession of 11 pro slavery southern state?

Abraham Lincoln

What event led to the secession Southern states from the union?

The 1860 election of President Abraham Lincoln

Why did Abraham Lincoln sacrifice himself?

Abraham Lincoln did not intentionally sacrifice himself. He did what he thought was right for the country.