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A longitudinal wave.

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Q: A sound wave is an example of?
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What is an example os a longditudinal wave?

A sound wave is an example of a longitudinal wave. A device used to measure the length and pitch of the sound wave is call a oscilloscope.

An example of a purely longitudinal wave is a?

Sound wave is an example of a purely longitudinal wave. In a sound wave, the particles of the medium vibrate in the same direction as the wave is moving, creating compressions and rarefactions as the wave travels through the medium.

Sound is example of what wave?

Sound is an example of a mechanical wave, which requires a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to travel through. It consists of compressions and rarefactions that transmit energy through the medium.

Is an echo is an example of sound wave?

An echo is a sound wave that has bounced off a surface

Give an example of a logitudinal and transverse wave?

An example of a longitudinal wave is a sound wave, where the particles of the medium move parallel to the direction of the wave. An example of a transverse wave is a light wave, where the particles of the medium move perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

What is an example of sound wave?


What type of wave is an echo an example of?

An echo is an example of a reflected sound wave. Sound waves travel from the sound source and bounce off surfaces before reaching the listener's ears, creating the sensation of hearing the sound again.

What is a non example of a electromagnet?

Sound Wave

Example of a mechanical wave?

An example of a mechanical wave is a sound wave traveling through the air. Sound waves require a medium, such as air, to transfer energy through compression and rarefaction of the molecules. The vibration of the air particles creates a mechanical disturbance that propagates as a sound wave.

Is Light is an example of a mechanical wave?

No, light is not an example of a mechanical wave. Light is an example of an electromagnetic wave, which does not require a medium to propagate, unlike mechanical waves like sound waves which do require a medium.

What is an example of a mechanic wave?


What echo is an example of sound wave is?

An example of an echo is when you shout in a canyon and hear the sound bounce back to you. This occurs because the original sound wave reflects off the canyon walls and returns to the source.