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42.8 atm fufurjthfhhudjd

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Q: A pressurized tank contains a mixture of oxygen and helium If the partial pressure of oxygen is 10 atm and the partial pressure of helium is 32.8 atm what is the total pressure inside the tank?
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A pressurized tank contains a mixture of oxygen and helium.if the partial pressure of oxygen is 10atm and the partial pressure of helium is 32.8 ATM what is the total pressure inside the tank?

The total pressure inside the tank is the sum of the partial pressures of the gases present. In this case, Total pressure = partial pressure of oxygen + partial pressure of helium = 10 atm + 32.8 atm = 42.8 atm.

What is the partial pressure of a gas pressures in the mixture?

The partial pressure is the pressure exerted by just one gas in the mixture.

What is the partial pressure of a gas in the mixture of gases?

The partial pressure is the pressure exerted by just one gas in the mixture.

What is the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture of a gases?

The partial pressure is the pressure exerted by just one gas in the mixture.

What is the partial pressure of gas in a mixture of gases?

The partial pressure is the pressure exerted by just one gas in the mixture.

What is the partial of a gas in a mixture of gases?

The partial pressure is the pressure exerted by just one gas in the mixture.

A mixture of gases with a pressure of 800.0 mm Hg contains 60 percent nitrogen and 40 percent oxygen by volume What is the partial pressure of oxygen in this mixture?

The partial pressure of oxygen in the mixture can be calculated using Dalton's Law of partial pressures. First, convert the percentages to decimal form (60% = 0.60, 40% = 0.40). Then, multiply the total pressure of 800.0 mm Hg by the volume percentage of oxygen (0.40) to find the partial pressure of oxygen in the mixture. This gives a partial pressure of oxygen of 320.0 mm Hg.

What is the term that is used for the pressure of each gas in a mixture of gases?

Partial pressure is the term used to describe the pressure of each gas in a mixture of gases. It represents the pressure each gas would exert if it occupied the whole volume on its own.

How does the total pressure of a mixture of gases relate to the partial pressure of the individual gases in a mixture?

total pressure = sum of all partial pressures.

What is the total pressure for a mixture that contains for gasses with partial pressure of 5.00 kpa 4.56 kpa 3.02 kpa and 1.20 kpa?

13.78 kpa is.

What law states that the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of its individual gases?

The pressure of each gas in a mixture is called the partial pressure of that gas.

What is the particial pressure of oxygen?

The partial pressure of oxygen is a measure of the pressure exerted by oxygen in a mixture of gases. In atmospheric air at sea level, the partial pressure of oxygen is around 160 mmHg. The partial pressure of oxygen can also be calculated using the equation: partial pressure of oxygen = total pressure of gas mixture * mole fraction of oxygen gas in the mixture.