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People vote for a presidential candidate during a presidential election, which happens every four years. Registered voters are allowed to vote in elections.

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Violette Gibson

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2y ago
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8mo ago

A person exercises their democratic right by casting a vote for a presidential candidate of their choice. Voting is a crucial part of the political process, giving citizens the opportunity to voice their opinions and shape the future of their country.

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What is A person who votes in a presidential election but does not vote for a congressional candidate is known as?

an independent voter

Does the first man to to get 270 electoral votes wins?

Only one presidential candidate and one vice presidential candidate can get 270 votes, so yes.

Presidential candidate who received the least votes in the south in the election of 1860?

The presidential candidate who received the least votes in the South in the election of 1860 was John Bell.

How does a presidential candidate win the presidential election?

People vote for a candidate. Each state has a given number of electoral votes. Win the state, get the votes from that state. Get more votes than your opponent, and you have been elected.

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A presidential election is won by the candidate who receives a majority of the electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College.

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People vote for a presidential candidate during a presidential election, which happens every four years. Registered voters are allowed to vote in elections.

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Attract more voters for the presidential candidate

How does Florida determine how many electoral votes each candidate will get?

Florida gives all of its electoral votes to the Presidential candidate that received the most votes. This is a winner-take-all system. A majority of votes is not needed, merely a plurality.

Which minor party gained the moste electoral votes in a presidential election?

In the U. S. Presidential Election of 1912, Progressive Party candidate Theodore Roosevelt received 88 votes while Republican Party candidate and incumbent President William Howard Taft received eight votes. Democratic Party candidate Woodrow Wilson won with 435 votes.

Which Republican Presidential candidate will lose the most votes to Fred Thompson?

Mitt Romney

Which presidential candidate had the highest percent of votes since 1960?

The presidential candidate with the highest percentage of votes since 1960 is Richard Nixon in 1972. He won re-election with 60.7% of the popular vote, the highest percentage of any candidate since then.