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i know of one, my great uncle. he died in France.

My grandfather was. He passed away though.

-Michael Klepacz

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Q: 317 infantry Co. I 1944 How do i find the soldiers in that company?
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How would you find a soldier from seventh Infantry Regiment Company E?

Are you trying to locate the Person or find information on a Soldier? This is listed under WW2, so a good source for the 7th Infantry Regiment of the 3rd Infantry Division is the history book, "History of The Third Infantry Division in WWII" by Donald G. Taggart. It was first published in 1940's but a reprint can be obtained from Battery Press in Nashiville, TN. In this book there are many names of soldiers who fought in WW2. The book is a large book and the roster is quite extensive. You should find his name in there.

Is there any way to find the names of American infantry soldiers from World War 2?

A "Generic Veteran" can probably be located at the local VFW.

What are the infantry foot soldiers called?

Infantry soldiers are commonly refered to as grunts. Grunts are low ranking soldiers like privates who get crap jobs like checking for bombs or ambushes. lets say theres a mine field a higher ranking soldier would maby order them to find a path through it. or if something is suspicious or dangerous or back breaking work. GRUNTS

What Army unit does Company I 302 Infantry belong to?

I can't find any reference to this unit currently being in existence. The 302nd Infantry Regiment was subordinate to the 94th Infantry Division (US Army Reserve), which has since been deactivated and reformed as the 94th Division (Force Sustainment).

How do you find a soldier in the seventh Infantry Company B?

ClarificationInstead of 7th Infantry Company, you probably mean 7th Infantry Regiment. Soldiers usually referred to their regiment or occassionally their Division. The discharge papers usually refer to the veteran's regiment. During WW2, the typical Infantry Division consisted of 3 Infantry Regiments and 4 artillery battalions and an engineer battalion and other supporting companies. Each Regiment consisted of 12 companies divided into 3 Battalions as follows:1st Battalion - Companies A, B, C, D2nd Battalion - Companies E, F, G, H and3rd Battalion - Companies I, K, L, M (no J).So, the term "7th Infantry Company" is not correct. A soldier would refer to his unit as:"Company B, 7th Infantry Regiment"If the soldier was talking to another soldier within the same division or location, he might shorten it to say: "7th Infantry, Company B". Here he implies a regiment and the comma(,) seperates the two levels of command. So your Question is not really Incorrect, but it needed some clarification for some readers.Also, Company B was in the 1st Battalion, so any reference to "1st Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment" would include his company. The Battalion was commanded by a Colonel and is the basic unit used in combat. So many histories will refer to the battalions and not the companies.AnswerThe 7th Infantry Regiment was part of the 3rd Infantry Division. This unit saw combat in Italy and fought at Anzio until July 1944 and then landed in Southern France in Aug 1944. There is a unit history on the 3rd Infantry Division that was printed in 1947 or so. Recently, it has been re-printed by Battery Press. It is a very large book and it is unique to most unit histories in that it contains an extensive roster of the soldiers who served in this unit. I would recommend that you contact your library and ask for an inter-library loan for this book. This book may have his name in it.The 7th Infantry Regiment were known as the "Cotton Balers". This unit is a descendant of a unit that fought at the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812 and they used cotton bales to fortify their position.I wouldn't mind looking through it for your soldier's name.CustermenReference: "History of the 3rd Infantry Division in WW2" by Donald G. Taggart, available through Battery Press in Nashville, TN.

Where can you find information about Company G 194 Glider Infantry?

I have the unit history of the 194th Glider Infantry Regiment in my library of over 4,000 books about WW 2. Please contact me with any questions that you may have. Richard V. Horrell

When did German soldiers find Anne Frank?

German soldiers found Anne Frank and her family in their hiding place in Amsterdam on August 4, 1944. They were betrayed by an anonymous informer.

Does J troop exist in the US Army?

Question: Does Company J exist in the US ARmy. Answer: The infantry division during WW2 contained 3 Infantry Regiments. Each Regiment consisted of 12 companies, identified A---through---M but it omitted Company J. There was no Company J. I assume this is still true today. A modern division consists of from two to four maneuver brigades. A Light Infantry Division during peacetime has two active-duty infantry brigades plus one US Army Reserve brigade. The 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions carry three active-duty infantry brigades. In a heavy division, there are four maneuver brigades. If it is a Mechanized Infantry division, there are three brigades of infantry and one of armor; an Armor division has three brigades of armor and one of infantry. Each brigade consists of three battalions, each of which contains either three or four line companies (armor has three, infantry four) plus a headquarters company. Each battalion's line companies will be named A through D--you won't find an E company in a maneuver battalion. Now, as to the question...a "troop" is a company-size Cavalry unit. A modern division contains ONE squadron of cavalry, which contains A through D Troops.

Is there a list of soldiers that received the distinguished service cross 141st infantry 36th infantry division?

There probably is one in the "History of the 36th Infantry Division" published just after the war. If there was a regimental history of the 141st Infantry (I do not know whether there was) there would almost surely be one in there. The Divisional history is of course long out of print, but if you'll watch you can find one on eBay, and you could also find the history of the 141st Infantry that way, providing there was one. The Battery Press of Nashville has reprinted many of the WWII divisional histories, but the editions are not as nice as the originals (they do have every word of text)( You might try an inquiry through the website of the 36th ID's "alumni association". See the related link below.