The value of an uncirculated 1999 Silver American Eagle Littleton coin fluctuates based on the market for silver. However, a coin can be expected to have a value of about $40.
Value is about $18.00
A 2003 American Eagle Bullion Dollar in MS65 condition is: $24.00.
Current value is about $29.00 dollars.
The current price of silver is around $17/oz
As of today the value is about $17.00 it's a bullion coin and the value is just for the silver. FYI it's called a Silver Eagle or American Silver Eagle coin
Value is $16.85 as of today
Its value is tied to the current spot price of silver. As of 07/2008 that's about $18.
A "colorized" silver eagle has no numismatic collectible value, but it's still one ounce of silver that's worth about $30.00.
The value of a Silver American Eagle varies depending on multiple factors, including year, mintage and condition. Check out the Silver American Eagle page at for more about the coin itself and to gauge pricing. APMEX - The Gold Standard in Precious Metal Trading
Current value as of 10-14-10 is $24.00