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You're referring to the War of Indochina, sometimes referred to as the First Vietnam War. The French withdrew after being defeated at Dien Bien Phu.

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Q: 1946-1954 french backed by the u.s. fought vietnamese who were backed by the china and USSR?
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Who fought the French in Vietnam?

The Viet Minh (Vietnamese Communists) fought the French from 1946-1954.

Who were the vietminh?

The Viet Minh were a North Vietnamese communist gurrilla force originally made to secure independance from French rule and later fought against the USA in the Vietnam War. They are often wrongly called the Viet Cong. This is incorrect as the Viet Cong was the name given to the South Vietnamese communist force, and were not a part of the Northern forces.

What were the cause of the war between vietnamese and french war?

When Japan surrendered in 1945, ending WWII, the French RETURNED to Vietnam; they met resistance from the communist backed Viet Minh, the war was on: 1946-1954.

What were the vietnamese's in World War 2?

The Vietnamese did not participate in WW2. Lots of dead bodies of Japanese soldiers testify to the participation of the Vietnamese in WW2. Japan invaded "French Indo-China" as it was then called and defeated the French in short order. The Vietnamese were not such a pushover and put up a spirited resistance all through the Japanese occupation.

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she is mixed between vietnamese and french

Do vietnamese speak french?

Some Vietnamese people do speak French, as the country was colonized by the French in the past. French influence can still be observed in certain aspects of Vietnamese culture and language. However, the majority of Vietnamese people do not speak French fluently today.

Why did the Vietnamese reject french rule?

The French were a foreign power occupying Vietnam. The Vietnamese wanted their independence.

Why is it the second Vietnam war was called American?

The French fought the Vietnamese Communists from 1946 until 1954, this was the first Indo-China War or the French War. The US fought the Second Indo-China War or the Vietnam War 1961-1975 (or 1961-1973). The Viet Communists won them both.

Who lived in French Indochina?

The Vietnamese

My Magrandpa is from Vietnam, he is half Vietnamese cause his father from Spain, and his mother that is Vietnamese have a father that from mongolia. and my dad is full French, me i was born France, Am I French with origin Vietnamese/Spanish and Mongolian?


What is the name of Vietnamese currency?

During the war, it was the French "P" (Piasters).

What was the first Vietnamese war?

The war with the French.