It is the same word, same spelling but pronounced like -tree-on-glaHope this helps.
A triangle has three sides.A love triangle is when a girl has two love interests.
triangle does not have a circumference, a circle has a circumference. A triangle only has a hypotenuse (Pythagoras sort of stuff). The circumference of a circle is the perimeter of it, so, perhaps, if your teacher ask for the circumference of a triangle he/she might mean the perimeter of the triangle.
1/2*base of triangle*height(the perpendicular)=Area of right angled triangle
un triangle (masc.)
It is the same word, same spelling but pronounced like -tree-on-glaHope this helps.
violins, cello, base, flute, tympan, french horn, oboe, triangle
pascals triangle
Pascal's Triangle A triangle of numbers in which a row represents the coefficients of the binomial series. The triangle is bordered by ones on the right and left sides, and each interior entry is the sum of the two entries above. Similar to modern day Sudoku.
any triangle is a triangle
Obviously the Bermuda triangle. Books and TV documentaries have been done on it. I have never even heard of Sable Island. Sable, in French, means Sand, not the valuable antelope from among others, USSR.
If a triangle is obtuse, the orthocenter of the triangle actually lies outside of the triangle. If the triangle is acute, the orthocenter of the triangle lies on the inside of the triangle
Yes, a scalene triangle can be a triangle.
A triangle can be constructed into any of the given formats.
A scalene triangle, an equilateral triangle, an isosceles triangle and a right-angle triangle, acute-angled triangle, obtuse-angled triangle