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Q: What is the leading tone of the f major scale?
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What is the leading tone in a f major scale?

The leading tone is the seventh scale degree of the diatonic scale which in F Major is the note "E".

What is the leading tone in the F major scale?


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F sharp is the leading note (7th degree) of the G major scale.

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Leading tone of f sharp major?


What is the dominant in the scale of B Major?

The dominant is the 5th tone in the scale. In a D Major scale, the dominant is A.

What is the leading tonic of C major?

Each scale has a Leading Tone (which is the 7th note of the scale) and a Tonic Note (which is the first/eighth note of the scale). For the key of C major, the leading tone would be B, and the tonic note would be C.

What is a tonic in a major scale?

In the perspective of European-descendent theory, the degrees of any key or scale (major, minor, or modal) can be classified as follows: 1 - Tonic 2 - Supertonic 3 - Mediant 4 - Subdominant 5 - Dominant 6 - Submediant 7 - Leading Tone Let us take the case of C major as our key/scale: C - Tonic D - Supertonic E - Mediant F - Subdominant G - Dominant A - Submediant B - Leading Tone Similarily, this works in the minor keys, too. Using A natural harmonic as our key/scale: A - Tonic B - Supertonic C - Mediant D - Subdominant E - Dominant F - Submediant G - Leading Tone

What is a semi-tone and tone?

my best friend is Hannah sorry. I thought I was answering a musical question. A tone is a whole step, as in from C to D on the C Major scale, while a Semi-Tone is a half step, as in C to C# on the C Major Scale. The Major scale also contains half steps or semi-tones, in C major the are from E to F and from B to C

What is the dominant note in a G major scale?

The dominant note in a G major scale is D. In music theory, the dominant note is the fifth note of the scale, which in the case of G major is D. This note is important because it creates tension and leads back to the tonic note, G, creating a sense of resolution and stability in the music.

What is leading tone in a major scale?

Generally, the leading note is the seventh tonal degree of the diatonic scale leading up to the tonic. For example, in the C major scale (white keys on a piano, starting on C), the leading note is the note B; and the leading note chord uses the notes B, D, and F: a diminished triad. In Music Theory, the leading note triad is symbolized by the Roman numeral vii°.