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R:radius of the raindrop. Between 0.5 and 6mm


k:drag coefficient. 0.05(raindrops)

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Q: What is the formula for getting rainfall angle from wind speed?
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Is there an optimal angle to throw a javelin?

Throwing a javelin at the optimal angle. Throwing a javeline at the optimal angle is throwing a javelin at the angle which the air flows efficiently around the javeline.The center of pressure is the aerodynamic force of drag and lift on the javelin.before the 1986 change in javelins , some of the best throwers in the world would throw the javelin with as little as 30 degree angle but greater speed because they were able to hold onto the javelin for longer , producing more force . Good throwers still use this method but the most commen method is releasing the javelin at about a 40 degree angles,causing a longer flight for the javelin.

How long did it take for the flag to rotate once in a full circle?

The time it takes for a flag to rotate once in a full circle depends on the speed of rotation. If the flag rotates at a constant speed, the time can be calculated using the formula: time = 1 / rotational speed. For example, if the flag takes 10 seconds to complete one full rotation, the rotational speed is 1 rotation per 10 seconds, so the time taken for one full rotation is 10 seconds.

How do you convert roof angle to roof pitch?

The quick and easy way is to purchase a speed square ($8). It has pitch and angles on it. Next a bit more of an investment is to purchase a Construction Master calculator($100). This is an invaluable tool for the building trade.Other than that you will need to use a trigonometric function. This will require a tangent table that can be found in a Trigonometry book or on a scientific calculator.IE. If you have an angle of 18.5 you will need to know the tangent of that angle. First you will need to understand how degrees are represented in the chart. If you look at the Trigonometric functions table you will find that the degree's are represented inn°n'. in this format for example 18d30' means 18 degrees and 30 minuets which is a term used for fractions of a degree. As on a clock the minuets represent 60 units so you will need to convert the decimal value to minuets. So 60(for our minuets value)/ (divided by)1 (for our decimal value) X.5 (our fractions of a degree)=30' now we have 18°30'The pitch is represented as 12 units of run (horizontal) and n units of rise (vertical) to solve for n the formula would be the tangent of the measured angle times the run (12) = the rise. Therefore the tangent of 18°30' is .3346 times the run 12 = 4.0152 or 4/12 (4 in 12) pitch. For each 12" out you go 4" up.Converting a roof pitch to roof angle:IE. a 4 in 12 pitch. Formula will be the opposite over the adjacent = the tangent of the angle you are looking for. In this case 4 is the opposite and the 12 is the adjacent. therefore we have 4/12 or 4 divided by 12 that = .33333 looking at the tangent of this fraction we will find it falls between .3314 and .3346 the angle for .3314 is 18d20'00" and .3346 is 18d30'00". you have to be looking at the Nat. tangent table to understand this part. There is more, in this format 18d20'00" means 18 degrees and 20 minuets 0 seconds which is a term used for fractions of a degree. As on a clock the minuets and seconds represent 60 units each so it will need to be converted to decimal value. So 1 (for our decimal value) / (divided by) 60(for our minuets value)X20(number of minetus)=.3333 or .3333° and 1/60X30=.5 or .5° so the angle for a 4 in 12 pitch is between 18.3333° and 18.5°.Now a bit more to narrow it down. our tangent for a 4/12 was .3333 falling between .3314 and .3346 the difference between the 2 choices is 32 units. the difference between the 2 angles is 10'(minetus) so for each unit of difference you have 10 divided by 32 = .3125' (minutes per unit) now from .3314 to our tangent of .3333 you have 19 units thus 19x.3125'=5.93' now you need to add this to the first angle of 18d20'00" for a total of 18d 25.93' so converting the minutes to decimal 1/60x25.93=.4321 for a total of 18.4321°. The construction Master gives the answer of 18.43 in about 6 seconds, the speed square about 3 seconds.Concluding: if a Construction Master is not in the budget buy a speed square.Short list of angles/pitch4.76°=1/129.46°=2/1214.04°=3/1218.43°=4/1222.62°=5/1226.57°=6/1230.26°=7/1233.69°=8/1236.87°=9/1239.81°=10/1242.51°=11/1245°=12/12

determine the speed of rotation of a 20 tooth gear when it is driven by a 40 tooth gear and rotating at 10 rpm?

To determine the speed of rotation of a gear driven by another gear, you can use the gear ratio formula: Gear Ratio = Number of Teeth on Driven Gear / Number of Teeth on Driving Gear. In this case, the gear ratio is 40/20 = 2. Since the driving gear is rotating at 10 rpm, the driven gear will rotate at 10 rpm / 2 = 5 rpm.

A man in a rowing away from light house 100 m high takes 2 minutes to changes the angle of elevation of the top of light house from 60 degree to 45 degree find the speed of the boat?

At the start his distance from the lighthouse is 100/tan(60) = 86.6 m. After 2 minutes his distance from the lighthouse is 100/tan(45) = 70.7 m. He travels 15.9 m in 2 minutes = 7.9 m per minute.

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What is the angle of rainfall on a moving car?

That's a function of wind speed and direction, car speed and direction, and the downward velocity of the rain drops.

How do you calculate the turning radius of a car?

I don't recall the exact formula, but, it involves the car's speed and the car's tires slip angle at a given speed.

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In the case of a triangle, it depends on what the formula is for: the area, an angle, the length of a side, the radius of an inscribing circle or whatever. And in both cases, the answer depends on what information is available.

Formula for speed?

The formula to determine speed is Speed= wavelength*frequency

What is the formula in getting the maximum speed?

The formula to calculate maximum speed is: maximum speed = square root of (2 * acceleration * distance). This formula takes into account the acceleration and distance traveled to determine the maximum velocity attainable.

What is the formula for finding speed?

The formula for finding speed is speed = distance/time. This formula is used to calculate the rate at which an object is moving over a certain distance in a specific amount of time.

Why is knowing the sound of speed important?

just incase someone is getting hurt you can use a formula to find there location

What should you do when operation a boat in large waves and high wind?

head into the waves at a slight angle and reduce speed

Convert kilometers traveled into driving hours?

You need the speed to do the conversion. The formula is distance = speed x time.You need the speed to do the conversion. The formula is distance = speed x time.You need the speed to do the conversion. The formula is distance = speed x time.You need the speed to do the conversion. The formula is distance = speed x time.

How long does it take to drive 107 miles?

That depends on the speed. Use the formula distance = speed x time.That depends on the speed. Use the formula distance = speed x time.That depends on the speed. Use the formula distance = speed x time.That depends on the speed. Use the formula distance = speed x time.

Best blade angle?

the best angle is "45 degree" because the air speed coming out of the fan is giving by this equation V=v.tanθ were : V: air speed,,, v: is the blades speed and we got the maximum of the speed by making the angle 45