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Q: What is the Comparative degree of tan?
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What is the value of degree when tan equals 1.66?


What is the tangent of 30 degree angle?

tan(30 deg) = 0.5774, approx.

Can you get a tan in 27 degree weather?

Yes. Getting a tan depends only on exposure to the sun, not the temperature of the air. In fact, colder temperatures may make getting a tan easier, since the lower atmospheric pressure means that there are fewer particles in the air to block UV radiation.

Why sine bar is not reliable above 45 degree?

We know that sin @ = h/l is the basic principle of working of sine bar.Differentiating above equation,.. . cos @ . d@ = l.dh - h.dl_________ l*ld@ =tan@(dh/l - dl/l)This indicate that error is a function of tan @ and below 45 degree error is smaller which suddenly increases above 45 degree. because of this reason sine bar is preferred for measuring angle below 45

What is tan20tan32 plus tan32tan38 plus tan38tan20?

This may not be the most efficient method but ... Let the three angle be A, B and C. Then note that A + B + C = 20+32+38 = 90 so that C = 90-A+B. Therefore, sin(C) = sin[(90-(A+B) = cos(A+B) and cos(C) = cos[(90-(A+B) = sin(A+B). So that tan(C) = sin(C)/cos(C) = cos(A+B) / sin(A+B) = cot(A+B) Now, tan(A+B) = [tan(A)+tan(B)] / [1- tan(A)*tan(B)] so cot(A+B) = [1- tan(A)*tan(B)] / [tan(A)+tan(B)] The given expressin is tan(A)*tan(B) + tan(B)*tan(C) + tan(C)*tan(A) = tan(A)*tan(B) + [tan(B) + tan(A)]*cot(A+B) substituting for cot(A+B) gives = tan(A)*tan(B) + [tan(B) + tan(A)]*[1- tan(A)*tan(B)]/[tan(A)+tan(B)] cancelling [tan(B) + tan(A)] and [tan(A) + tan(B)], which are equal, in the second expression. = tan(A)*tan(B) + [1- tan(A)*tan(B)] = 1