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That depends on where the tornado is. Generally, tornadoes in the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise while those in the Southern Hemisphere rotate clockwise. There are more violent tornadoes in the horthern hemisphere, but that is mostly due to the fact that portions of the United States have an almost perfect setup for producing them. A small percentage of tornadoes rotate in the opposite direction from what is normal. These are called anticyclonic tornadoes (normal tornadoes are cyclonic). Many anticyclonic tornadoes are satellite tornadoes, and are generally weaker than the parent tornado that spawned them. Only one anticyclonic tornado has ever recieved a violent (F4 or F5) rating on the Fujita scale. It was an F4 that hit West Bend, Wisconsin on April 4, 1981.

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Q: Is a tornado more violent going clockwise or counter-clock wise?
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Is a tornado stronger going clockwise or counter-clockwise?

Overall there is no real correlation. Tornadoes generally turn counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern, and in most regions tornadoes fall into the same strength range.

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Going clockwise... 210 degrees. Going anti-clockwise... 150 degrees.

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It is impossible to predict when the next tornado will happen anywhere.

What is counter-clockwise?

Counter clockwise is the opposite to clockwise , so if you think of a clock and it goes right , counter clockwise is the other way round so it's going left.

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If you mean pendulums, they do that to use the inertial energy of the pendulum to keep the clock going. If you mean why do they go clockwise, it's based off of sun dials which measured time by the spot a shadow cast on a "clock" face drawn on a flat, round surface. Just a tradition really.

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It is impossible to make long term predictions of whether or when a specific location will have a tornado. When we do determine that a town or city is going to be hit, the time to the tornado's impact is measured in minutes.