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It depends on how much they cut off when it was circumcised. Some can pull up enough to cover it when soft, partially when erect. The skin remaining is stretchible, and will lengthen slightly over time if such pulling-up (and to a much lesser extent, masturbation, or sex is frequent), and can be intentionally strecthed over about a year to be similar in length to an uncircumcised foreskin, allowing a circumcised man the ability to feel what the skin coverage and protection feel like, with a little increased sensitivity, but not regain the nerve endings.

(I will never have a child circumcised, it is painful, irreversible, and damages the design of God(or nature if you will), and offers no scientifically proven befits).

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Q: How much skin can a circumcised person pull up to cover the glans?
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What is the glan?

The glans is the 'head' (described as 'bulbous' apparently) of the penis, featuring the meatus which is the orifice/opening of the urethra (non-simultaneous channel for urine and semen) to the exterior. The glans might be (inappropriately in my opinion) referred to as the 'acorn'. At birth, the glans is covered by the prepuce/foreskin, which may or may not be removed by circumcision, which shall of course expose the glans. The glans is very sensitive, supplied with much nervous anatomy.

Iam 20 can you get circumcised now and how much time it takes to heal?

Yes you can. Expect about a week for the initial incision to heal. Expect more for the glans of the penis to adapt to do without it's protective covering - it will be tender for some weeks. Oh, and as it adapts the skin gets thicker and less sensitive, so intercourse will feel different.

How much does it cost for a 16 year old boy to get circumcised?


What does circumcised look like?

That would depend on how much of the foreskin is cut of for starters you have to understand that the skin that cover the penis starts at the base and directly covers the shaft (the shaft skin) until it reaches to just behind the glans. After that it becomes lose from the penis starting with the section that is called the outer foreskin, This is the skin that you see from the outside covering the glans. then at the end of the outer foreskin at the tip of the penis you will find the ridged frenar band this is the part of the foreskin that pulls the foreskin in around the glans the frenar band is also the area where the erogenous nerve ending finish, After the frenar band the foreskin doubles bac under itself and at this point gains a fine cover of mucosal tissue where it is in contact with the mucosal tissue of the Glans this tissue reduces the need for lubricants both during sexual intercourse and masturbation the inner fore skin goes a small distance past the sulcus (where the glans join the shaft of the penis) the result is that an intact penis looks like it has the same skin from base to tip with the foreskin fitting snugly over the glans until it closes or nearly closes at the end. A partial circumcision would mean that the frenar band would be removed along with the associated nerves. And without the nerves there would be a lot of sensation lost. Then without the effect of the frenar band pulling the end of the foreskin together you would have a loose tube of skin hanging there that would retract or not as the situation at the time dictates. ..

How much might it cost a 42 year old man to get circumcised?

About $4.000

How much does it cost for an adult to get circumcised in Laredo Texas?

100% they all do eventualy

How much area would your lungs cover if opened up?

________________________________________________________________ that depends on the size of the lung, as it is a little different in each person

Does your penis grow even if you are circumcised?

Yes, being circumcised has no effect on how much it will grow.Yes. The only difference is the head of your penis will not be covered over with extra foreskin. It will otherwise grow the same way you were meant to have it.

How much does it cost for a 10 year old to get circumcised?

Since there are 50 States, the costs are different. Since you're 17, you need parental consent.

What does Paul say about circumcision?

He notes that certain people getting circumcised and boasting about it are not obeying the law and therefore have their priorities wrong. He advises that the most important thing is to become a new creation in Jesus not circumcision. The context is that Paul had advised adult converts that they don't need to get circumcised in order to become Christians. As the first Christians were Jewish and were therefore circumcised it was assumed that to join them circumcision was required by adult male converts. However Paul considered that getting circumcised as an adult (no anaesthesis in those days) was a much heavier burden than the apostles had had (being Jewish they had been circumcised close to birth and wouldn't even remember it). Therefore he didn't consider it necessary for them to get circumcised in order to belong to the religion.