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If it's enough to be classified as a tornado, it will damage your house. Generally, winds in excess of 60 mph are considered sufficient to cause visible damage, though at this point it will be superficial unless a tree falls on ths house.

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Q: How fast does the rotation of a tornado have to be to damage a house?
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Where does the damage come from the most in a tornado?

Most damage in a tornado is caused by the extremely fast winds.

About how fast does a tornado cause damage to property?

The speed at which a tornado can cause damage to property can vary depending on its intensity and size. Typically, a tornado may cause significant damage within seconds to minutes as it moves along its path, with the most destructive effects occurring near the tornado's center or vortex.

What happens after surface winds slow down in a tornado due to ground friction?

When surface winds slow down in a tornado due to ground friction, the tornado may weaken or dissipate altogether. This is because a tornado's strength is dependent on the fast rotation of air at the surface, so when this rotation slows down, the tornado's intensity is reduced.

How do people know how fast a tornado goes?

In terms of how fast a tornado is moving, the tornado is tracked on radar. The forward speed is calculated based on how far it moves in a given period of time. The wind speed of a tornado is estimated based on the severity of the damage it causes.

What are the cloud patterns for a tornado on a radar screen?

On a radar screen, a tornado typically appears as a hook or appendage extending from a thunderstorm cell. This hook-shaped echo indicates the presence of rotation within the storm, which is a key indicator of a tornado. Additionally, the radar may show a "debris signature" caused by the tornado lifting and scattering debris into the air.

How does a tornado do damage to property?

The winds in a tornado are very fast carry a tremendous amount of force that can damage or destroy buildings and other objects. Objects picked up by those winds can become high speed projectiles.

How fast can a tornado brake a house?

The wind speed of a tornado can vary greatly, but it can reach over 300 mph. While a tornado's destructive power can be significant, the ability to completely destroy a house is influenced by various factors such as construction materials and the intensity of the tornado. In severe cases, a tornado can quickly demolish a house within seconds.

What is the name of the scale used to find out how strong the tornado cell is?

The scale used to measure the strength of a tornado is called the Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF-Scale). It categorizes tornadoes based on the damage caused, ranging from EF0 (weakest) to EF5 (strongest).

How fast is the wind in an F2 tornado?

An F2 tornado typically has wind speeds between 113-157 mph (182-253 km/h). These winds can cause considerable damage to buildings and vegetation. It is considered to be a strong tornado on the Fujita scale.

How fast did the Joplin Missouri tornado travel?

The Joplin tornado of 2011 had a damage path 22 miles long and lasted 38 minutes, which works out to an average speed of about 35 mph. The winds inside the tornado are estimated to have peaked at 225 to 250 mph.

What does a tornado feel like if you touch it?

It is not safe to touch a tornado. Tornadoes are extremely violent and can cause significant damage and harm. It is best to seek shelter and stay away from tornadoes to ensure your safety.

How is the Moon's rotation different from Earth's?

The Moon is tidally locked to Earth, meaning it rotates on its axis at the same rate it orbits Earth, resulting in the same side always facing us. In contrast, Earth rotates at a faster rate and does not exhibit tidal locking with the Moon.