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Q: Can you have unprotected sex the day after you take plan b?
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What is madara's plan?

His plan is called operation:moonlight...something.All I Know is he is trying to collect all the biiju. He's gonna send em to the moon therefore awakining the ten tailed beast.Once he summons the ten tailed beast to earth he is going to manipulate with tsukoyomi(mangekyo sharingan), send it back to the moon where the Phsyce energy of the mangekyo on the monster will reflect on earth. Therfore shining down the reflection of the tsukoyomi down to earth.Making the planet Madara's play thing.Oh yeah G.T got all da info!Oh yeah, and it may be hard to believe but the fourth hokage is the true leader of the akatsuki. i kid you not, but all answer that another day.

Is it harder for girls to be on top during sex?

no it's actually so much easier to be on top as a girl during sex because you are in total control of how fast you go. It all comes naturally to you when your having on how to move....

What is the girl supposed to do during sex if the guy is on top?

lay back and let him do all the work

How do you become a tranny?

A "tranny" is a transgender person - one who has made at least a partial change from being one gender to being another. It is an insulting term and should be avoided. Transsexuals tend to have corrective surgery to fully become the opposite sex, but not all transgender folks do. You can either simply dress and act as the opposite sex, or you can go the whole way and opt for surgery -- that is your choice.How to become the opposite sex:Pay attention to members of the opposite sex to see how they act, move, dress, and talk, so you can copy what they doGet your friends to help you - have them treat you like the opposite sex and help you to let other people know about your decision Also, If you change your name, you will need to remind people a lot until they get used to using the new nameJoin a group or meet some actual transgender or transsexual folks online so you can get tips and hints from people who have been thereAlso remember to read as much information as you can so you can decide how far you want to go toward being the opposite!

You slept with 2 different guys 1 month apart both at expected time of ovulation Neither went in you you had your period after the first guy but missed it after sex with the second guy Whose is it?

Only a paternity test can really tell.

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I started my period when I woke up on Thursday I put my NuvaRing in on Sunday I had unprotected sex today Should I take plan b?

It can never hurt to be safe. If you have access to the plan B and cannot get in touch with your doctor, then take it to be safe. Having unprotected sex is not advised, even when you are using the NuvaRing, as it does not protect against STDs.

You had your period 13days ago had unprotected sex day after period and three days after that can you be pregnant when can i take a hpt?

You can take a pregnancy test 14 days after you had sex

Is it possible to get pregnant if you take orthotricyclen for 1 year and you take Tylenol and benedryl and have unprotected sex while on your period?

Tylenol and Benendryl should have no affect on the pill. You can have unprotected sex any day of the month if you are on the pill, you are protected with the pill from pregnancy.

When do i know its time to take a pregnancy test?

When you have unprotected sex and then miss a period When you have unprotected sex and then miss a period

Can you get pregnant if you take 4 pills in one day before the days of the pills?

yes you can still get pregnant do not take more then what is prescribed to you in one day. if you have unprotected sex go to a pharmacy and get plan b within 72 hours after unprotected sex. taking 4 pills in one day is not very safe Follow the exact directions of the pills you were given. For best results, including your health, do not take more than the dosage for one day. If you have questions, call the doctor who prescribed them or talk to a pharmacist.

Can you be pregnant if you had unprotected sex the day after your period?


You had a three day bleeding and took a pregnancy and test result was negative?

If you had unprotected sex wait a week and take another test.

Is it safe to do unprotected sex on third day of periods?

It's NEVER safe to have unprotected sex. Use some form of contraception, risking it isn't worth it.

If you are taking ortho-tricyclin lo and you are on the 8th pill do you need to take Plan B if you just had sex or are you protected?

You are NOT protected. You need to wait 30 days for the Pill to fully be in your system before you can have unprotected sex. Otherwise, you having unprotected sex anytime before the 30 days is like having sex without you being on the pill at all.

New to pill first week can you get pregnant if you started the pill on day your period ended which only lasted day and half and cycles that ain't regular and missed a pill day after unprotected sex?

if you have unprotected sex you can get pregnant. Period.

If you missed your last pill and then had unprotected sex but then took plan b the next day and your period has not come when it was suppose to is there any chance of being pregnant?

no. Plan B is very powerful and if you took it immediately afterwards, you will not get pregnant.

Can a woman get pregnant if sex happens on the first day of her periods and what can be done to undo after 6 days of unprotected sex?

yes, you can get pregnant on the first day of your period. there really isn't anything you can do about unprotected sex. maybe the day after pill? but it properly wont work if your already pregnant.