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It is located in the South Pacific.

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Q: Where is the country Tanna located?
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Where is the island of Tanna located?

The island of Tanna, or Tana, is located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is one of many islands of the country of Vanuatu and located in the southern part of Vanuatu.

When was Tanna Tunnel created?

Tanna Tunnel was created in 1934.

What is the population of Tanna island?

The population of Tanna - island - is 20,000.

When was Tanna - island - created?

Tanna - island - was created in 1980.

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Tanna Ground Dove was created in 1844.

What is the area of Tanna island?

The area of Tanna - island - is 550 square kilometers.

When was Tanna Frederick born?

Tanna Frederick was born on August 11, 1979, in Mason City, Iowa, USA.

What has the author Kaku J Tanna written?

Kaku J. Tanna has written: 'Plantations in the Nilgiris' -- subject(s): Tea trade, History

How old is mount yasur?

Mount Yasur is estimated to be around 500 years old. It is an active stratovolcano located on Tanna Island in Vanuatu.

What does the name tanna mean?

It means....ur awesome

What is the latitude and longitude of Mount Yasur?

Mount Yasur is located at approximately 19.5304° S latitude and 169.4425° E longitude in Tanna Island, Vanuatu.

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H. K Tanna has written: 'Shock associated noise reduction from inverted-velcoity-profile coannular jets' -- subject(s): Testing, Noise control, High-speed aeronautics