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Almost all White Lions are in captivity because they are not able to camouflage themselves in the wild, so they can't hide to hunt or hide from enemies and they die in the wild.

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Q: Where does white lions live?
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Were do white lions live?

White Lions live in Southern Africa.

Do white lions live in the forest?

White lions are typically found in savannas and grasslands in South Africa. They are not native to dense forests.

Where do white lions live?

White lions live in South Africain the wild where all the other animals live in all around the earth

Why do white lions live in South America?

White lions are not naturally occuring in South America. Lions come from Africa and Asia.

Do white lions live in India?

From reaserch none of the lion that live in india are white

Do white lions live in Africa?

Yes, white lions are found in Africa. They are a rare color mutation of the African lion and are primarily found in the Timbavati region of South Africa.

Are white lions herbivores too?

White lions are just regular lions that, for a strange reason, were born white instead of the usual tawny color of a lion. Like all lions, white lions live entirely on meat, which means that they're carnivores, not herbivores.

Where do white lions live on the world map?


Where do white lions live in the wild?

There's only a few in the wild, but they live in Kruger National Park. Most white lions are selectively inbred for their white fur and used to make money.

Why do white lions live in South Africa?

Because they do not live anywhere else.

Are there white lions in Africa?

yes they live in south Africa

Do white lions live in packs?

A white lion is the same as a tawny African lion but afflicted with a rare genetic mutation. They are mostly commonly seen in the Timbavati Game Reserve in South Africa. White lions in the wild commonly live in the prides with the other lions.