It depends of the exchange rate between Sterling and the Euro at the time of exchange.
As of 31Dec08 EUR1 was worth GBP0.95
The official currrency of the UK is the pound sterling. Some shops in tourist areas accept Euro's, for example the big stores in London. But, the exchange rate may be worse than you would get at a bank and change will be given in sterling.
You can find information on the best euro exchange rate at the Money CO UK website. Once on the page, click on "Travel Money" and then click "Euro" to view the best Euro exchange rates.
The current exchange rate for the euro is approximately 1 euro to 1.18 US dollars.
The current exchange rate between RMB and Euro is 1 RMB for 0.12 Euro. is a great site to find exchange rates and money trends. The Euro is worth more than the USD with an exchange rate usually in the .68 range.
A company called Thomas Exchange in London will exchange 500 euro notes into sterling for the usual Euro rate (for no extra price). They are near Oxford Circus Tube Station at 13 Maddox Street and their rates are better than all banks, the post office, m & s and travelex.
No. They are two different currencies. The current exchange rate is approximately 1.15 euros to 1 pound sterling.
The exchange rate varies daily, as at 18th July 2009, 57.82 Euros = 50 British Pounds.
France uses the Euro as its currency, look at the Euro exchange rate with whatever currency you are trying to exchange.