The driving distance between Springfield Ohio and London Ohio is 23 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 30 minutes.
The last time a tornado hit Springfield, Ohio was on May 27, 2019. The tornado was rated EF0 and caused minor damage in the area.
2 Hours
The distance between Columbus, Ohio and Springfield, Ohio is approximately 45 miles by road.
Springfield, Ohio, is 6552 km (4070 miles) away from Paris, France.
The address of the Ohio Basketball Museum Foundation is: 1880 Pinehurst Dr, Springfield, OH 45502-7897
Springfield Ohio to Hannibal Missouri
If the Springfield you are talking about is in ohio, then it is east. If it is illinois, niether.
About five hours.
The web address of the Springfield Museum Of Art is: http://www.springfieldart.museum/
I don't know if they have but isn't springfield the capital of Illinois