A Yellow passport (also known as a yellow ticket) is an identification card that was issued by some European governments (especially Russia) to prostitutes to signify that they had registered as a prostitute and entitled them to do business in that country.
What kind of question is that I don't know.
Passport, visa airticket
On 99 Passport it probably has a yellow handle end that you grab to pull the dip stick out it is located on the lefthand side of the engine.
Yes. Virtually any passport has a passport number
You Don't. You need to have a passport in order to have a passport number.
The passport card itself is the passport. However, it has its limitations in use as compared to the traditional book passport.
There is a "Passport Card No." on the top right on the front of the passport card. But it has nothing to do with your passport booklet. You should notify the police as soon as possible.
The Malaysian Passport does not have a Passport Book Number.
Usually when you have the passport at hand. It is stipulated in the top right corner of the passport
No you can't. Passport number is only written in your passport booklet.
No, it is different. Passport cards also have its own limitations as compared to the traditional passport book.
Yes it should be on your passport.