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vertical rectangle, and he should slow down cautiosly and begin to get in the right lane.

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Q: What is the shape of a Keep Right sign and how should the driver react when he sees one?
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What is the shape of a Keep Right sign How should the driver react when he sees one?

vertical rectangle, and he should slow down cautiosly and begin to get in the right lane.

What is the shape of a keep right and how should the driver react when he sees one?

It's rectangular in shape, with the long sides perpendicular to the ground, it has a white bacground, and black lettering. As for how to react to it... you simply heed by it.

What is the shape of a Keep Right sign and how should a driver react when he sees one?

The sign looks like a barrier in the middle of it with a arrow going around it to the right and drivers should do what the sign says and keep going right.

What does a keep right sign look like?

The standard traffic sign will be a vertical rectangle w/black letters on a white background. If it is on a temporary construction zone sign, it will be an orange triangle w/black lettering. React to both by KEEPING RIGHT!

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The poem should be in the shape of the subject. The poem h no other requirements.

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The histogram of a sample should have a distribution shape that is skewed. Is this true or false?

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