The distance between Texas and Florida is about 1,350 miles.
what is the driving distance between West Palm Beach and Sarasota, Florida
the distance is 234.33 miles
The shortest distance between Florida and Cuba is approximately 90 miles (145 kilometers) across the Straits of Florida.
The driving distance between Kissimmee, Florida and Orlando is about 18 miles
The driving distance between destin Florida to Pensacola Florida is 47.5 miles. About 56 miles in the car driving.
Distance between India (New Delhi) and Florida (Miami): 13,523 km or 8403 miles. Distance between India (Gujarat) and Florida (Orlando) : 13,858 km or 8611 miles Distance between India (Mumbai) and Florida (Pensacola): 14,136 km or 8783
Tallahassee is in Florida.
The flight distance from Florida (FL) to Orlando, Florida is: 53 miles / 85 km
The flight distance from Miami, Florida to Florida (FL) is: 170 miles / 274 km
The distance between the cities of Pensacola, Florida and Destin, Florida is 82.7 miles. Pensacola is to the northwest of Destin.
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