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they brought back valueable scientific and geographic information

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Q: What information did lewis and clark expedition bring back?
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Did the Lewis and Clark expedition bring back important information?

-D == -D ==

How did the Lewis and clark expedition bring upon change?

From all the information they had collected, their region now knows what there is there when they start living there.

How did the Lewis clark expedition bring upon change?

From all the information they had collected, their region now knows what there is there when they start living there.

Who was in charge of the Lewis and clark expedition?

Meriwether Lewis was in charge and William Clark came as his assistant. But the Lewis And Clark Expedition is still know as The Lewis And Clark Expedition.

Who was the captian of the Lewis and clark expedition?

Lewis and Clark are the captains of this expedition

Was there disease in Lewis and clark expedition?

There was a disease in the Lewis and Clark expedition

What year was the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

Lewis & Clark began their expedition in 1804.

Did Lewis and Clark explore India?

No, Lewis and Clark were involved in an expedition to map and explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory.Lewis and Clark Expedition (1803-06)Full information found here:Who_were_Lewis_and_Clark_and_what_was_their_significance

What was the size of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Lewis and Clark expedition consisted of 33 individuals. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were the leaders.

Who found the Lewis and Clark expedition journals?

Meriwether Lewis was the one who found the Lewis and Clark expedition journals.

Who headed the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Lewis and Clark did, hence the expedition's name. Clark was supposed to be second banana, but Lewis wanted him to co-lead the expedition. Lewis let Clark co-lead as soon as they left.

Why did Lewis and Clark bring one hundred gallons of whiskey with them on their trip?

I don't think Lewis and Clark did bring 100 gallons of whiskey on their expedition west. It would weigh down the keelboats.