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yes, it is unique for the same city or state.

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Q: Is your passport number unique
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What is a passport book number?

passport book numberBasically a passport book number is a control number of your passport. It is unique for all passport holders and is used to determine the holders and their files.

What does numero de pasaporte mean?

"Numero de pasaporte" is Spanish for "passport number." It is a unique identification number assigned to an individual's passport for tracking and identification purposes.

How many passport numbers are there in the Philippines passport?

There is basically one unique passport number for a passport holder. It is usually located in the personal information flap of the Philippine passport. This number is used to locate your application and also used for travel bookings and such.

Where is the passport book number in a Guatemalan passport?

A passport is required when you want to travel outside the country inside which you were born and live. The passport number in the new blue biometric Brazilian passport is located on the information page where your photograph is.

If I renew my passport Can I use it right away?

Yes you can. Once you have it in your possession, it is yours. Bear in mind however, that each passport has a unique passport number, so if you are booking a trip, wait until you have your new passport in hand before finalizing it.

Does your passport number change when you get a new passport?

Yes.No, every passport book has its own unique number. However, in the federal database, they keep all the passport numbers you have had in your life.* Some countries also add the National ID Number of the bearer in the data-page of their passports (the US does not have such thing) and that number will remain the same all the time.

Does Egyptian passport have a passport number?

Yes. Virtually any passport has a passport number

You do not have your US passport with you How do you get the number of your passport?

You Don't. You need to have a passport in order to have a passport number.

Does venezuela have a passport book number?

i think there is none since asking the DFA the guy in the information desk did not have any idea and gave me a blank stare. thats the philippines for you.

What does PED means in my passport?

PED likely stands for "Personal Identification", which is your unique identification number or code that is specific to you as a passport holder. It is used to track and verify your identity in official records and systems.

What is Personal number in Australian passport?

On an Indian passport, the personal number equates to the passport number. This is a number automatically generated when the passport application is processed.

Can you get the passport number before issue of passport?

No you can't. Passport number is only written in your passport booklet.