Clarksville TN is 47 miles northwest of Nashville TN via I-24 per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 54 minutes.
West To be exact, it is 85° West of true North.
The best way to travel from Nashville Tennessee to Knoxville Tennessee is by Interstate 40.
I-75 North/South through Knoxville and Chattanooga I-65 North/South through Nashville I-40 East/West through Memphis Nashville and Knoxville I-55 North/South through Memphis I-81 North/South between Knoxville and Johnson City
280 miles taking this route:Take I-40 EAST from Nashville to I-81 NORTH to BRISTOL at EXIT 421. To bypass KNOXVILLE, take I-640 EAST (EXIT 385 off I-40).Take I-81 NORTH to I-26 WEST to KINGSPORT at EXIT 57B.Take I-26 WEST to Kingsport.
I-75 North/South through Knoxville and Chattanooga I-65 North/South through Nashville I-40 East/West through Memphis Nashville and Knoxville I-55 North/South through Memphis I-81 North/South between Knoxville and Johnson City
which city there are plenty there are nashville memphis, knoxville, chattanoga, and those are only some
315 miles taking this route:Take I-26 EAST from Kingsport to I-81 SOUTH to KNOXVILLE at EXIT 8A.Take I-81 SOUTH to I-40 WEST to KNOXVILLE at EXIT 1B.Take I-40 WEST to TN-840 WEST to MURFREESBORO at EXIT 235. To bypass DOWNTOWN KNOXVILLE, take I-640 WEST (EXIT 393 off I-40).Take TN-840 WEST to I-24 EAST to CHATTANOOGA at EXIT 53A.Take I-24 EAST to Manchester.
It is 182 miles according to Google Maps.
Take I-40 EAST to I-440 EAST to KNOXVILLE at EXIT 206.Take I-440 EAST around Nashville to I-24 EAST to CHATTANOOGA.Take I-24 EAST to I-75 NORTH to KNOXVILLE at EXIT 185B.Take I-75 NORTH to Cleveland. The Cleveland exits are EXITS 20, 25 and 27.
It is 180 miles according to Google Maps.
199 miles taking I-40.