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France is 80 n latitude 140 w longitude

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Q: In which direction would you travel if you were going from 40 N latitude 100 W longitude to 40 N latitude 90 W longitude?
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You would travel south. The latitude is changing from 32 N to 30 N, which means you are moving towards the equator. The longitude remains the same, so the direction of travel is predominantly south.

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Going from 36 degrees north to 36 degrees north isn't going north or south, it's standing still, because you don't head north and you don't head south when you're just standing there.

What is the latitude and longitude of a port city with the latitude and longitude of 60 degrees north 24 degrees east?

The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.

Why use longitude and latitude?

you need to know so that you know where a place is or where your going

What direction would you travel in going from Europe to Australia?

you would have to travel northwest.

How would knowing your latitude and longitude help you find your way at sea?

Knowing where you are is only one part of getting to where you're going. -- If you know your own latitude and longitude, AND the latitude and longitude of where you want to go, then you can calculate the DIRECTION you need to sail in order to get there by the shortest route, and exactly how far that is. -- If you only know your own latitude and longitude and nothing else, then perhaps the most useful application of that knowledge takes place when you need to radio the Coast Guard and ask them to come out and rescue you. If you can give them that information, then they don't have to hunt for you when they get to the general area.

Which direction would you travel going from 40 N latitude, 100 W longitude to 40 N latitude, 90 W longitude?

Since the earth is a sphere (ball), there are always at least two different directions you can take to get from anywhere to anywhere. But the shortest way to get from 40N 100W to 40N 90W is along the short path of the great circle. You head out in the direction slightly north of east, on a bearing of roughly 86.4 degrees. In that direction, it's a trip of 529.14 miles. That's the route that a rubber band would take on a globe if you stretched it tight between those two points.

What are the lines on the globe called?

The key lines are latitude and longitude. These are based on specific points. The equator is the latitude around the center of the earth. Longitude is measured from the Prime Meridian, which goes through the Greenwich Observatory in England.The Tropics and the Arctic/Antarctic Circle are also key.