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Travel and tourism has changed since 1945. More travelers travel by airplane, and there are more things to do and see in 2014.

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Q: How has travel and tourism changed since 1945?
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These days, many people travel for work or leisure on a regular basis. Travel and tourism has become an important part of how we live today. The development of the industry as we know it started in Victorian times, when the affluent wanted to experience the spa waters and the sea air. It is now one of the largest industries in the world in terms of employment and income generated. It is also a fun industry, a people industry where the 'work hard, play hard' ethos still exists by salman bacha

How much money does tourism bring to the United States?

Democratization of travel occurred during the early twentieth century when the automobile revolutionized travel. Similarly air travel revolutionized travel during 1945-1969, contributing greatly to tourism in the United States. By 2007 the number of international tourists had climbed to over 56 million people who spent $122.7 billion dollars, setting an all time record...

What is Current British ARMY No 1 Dress uniform?

its known to squaddies as blues and has not changed since 1945. if you wish to see it google no1 army blues.....

How many governments has australia had since 1945?

Depends how it defines it, there have been 34 federal government ministries since 1945.

How have the economic policies of many Latin American country's changed since 1945?

They have increased imports and exports They have created more open-trade policies. They are encouraging foreign trade and investment.

When was Since I Fell for You created?

Since I Fell for You was created in 1945.

When did William baffin travel?

1412-1413 died 1945