There are 67.2 miles between Manteno, Illinois and Des Plaines, Illinois. The driving time is approximately 1 hour 11 minutes.
About 800 miles.
1006 miles
The address of the Menteno Historical Soc Museum is: 192 W 3Rd St, Manteno, IL 60950-1104
It is 250 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Manteno Public Library District is: 10 South Walnut Street, Manteno, 60950 1554
The phone number of the Manteno Public Library District is: 815-468-3323.
Manteno State Hospital was created in 1930-12.
The web address of the Menteno Historical Soc Museum is:
The phone number of the Menteno Historical Soc Museum is: 815-468-3480.
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35 mls
about 90 minutes