An easy and relative accurate way is by marking the area to be measured in Google Earth and exporting it as a KML file. It is then possible to easily view this file again in Google Earth or on Google maps Google Earth Professional allows you measure acreage, but it is quite expensive if all you are interested in is measuring area. There are cheaper programs like EasyAcreage ( that uses the KML export methods that exists in the standard free version of Google Earth to calculate acreage.
you go to file->export->2D graphic
you use google sketchup and export it as a .b3d format file
download google's free version of sketcup export your model to collada format now use blender to convert it to anything you like
If you want to use an image outside iPhoto you can select from the Share menu or Export from the File menu to save it as a .jpeg file.
In Google Earth you can place a "placemarker" and save it to your hrad drive as a ".kml" "kmz" file that file can be sent by email and openen by Google Earth. You can put many placemarks with attached information in one and the same "kmz" file.
You have to download Google Sketchup, and then make a cementary, or just press file, then warehouse, then get models.
This can be done by using the woocommerce google product feed addon. Or it can also be done by using their export plugin to get an export of all your products and use that file on the site that needs the feed.
The answer is: False
When you select a map in 'My Maps' there should be a 'View in Google Earth' link in upper right that you can click.Google has removed the 'View in Google Earth' link from the Google Maps options, however, you can still transfer it to Google Earth. First click the link icon then copy the URL under the 'Paste link in email or IM' label. Next, append "&output=kml" to the URL (without the quotes) and open it in your web browser to launch Google Earth.UPDATE:Note that this trick has been removed as of August 2012 and Google Maps no longer supports the undocumented output=kmlparameter.Google has documented how to share data from Google Maps to Google Earth - see related link below.
Saved places are stored in a local file named myplaces.kml. This file is stored in a different location than the Google Earth application data so uninstalling or reinstalling Google Earth has no effect on the saved places.Reinstalling Google Earth will use the previous saved places data if available otherwise it will create the initial saved places if none existed before.
To export individual clips in Premiere, first select the clip you want to export in the timeline. Then go to the File menu, select Export, and choose Media. In the Export Settings window, adjust the settings as needed and click Export to save the clip as a separate file.