240 mi - about 4 hours 28 mins driving time.
Joseph, OR, USA to Boise, ID, USA
1. Head west on E Wallowa Ave toward Main St 72 ft
2. Take the 1st right onto N Main St/OR-82 W
Continue to follow OR-82 W 6.3 mi
3. Turn left at W North St/OR-82 W
Continue to follow OR-82 W 44.2 mi
4. Turn left at N 8th Ave/OR-82 W
Continue to follow OR-82 W 17.7 mi
5. Turn right at W 1st St 0.5 mi
6. Continue onto Island Ave/OR-82 W 1.1 mi
7. Turn left to merge onto I-84 E
Entering Idaho 165 mi
8. Take exit 1A on the left for I-184/Franklin Rd 0.6 mi
9. Merge onto I-184 E 3.2 mi
10. Continue onto US-20 E/US-26 E 1.5 mi
11. Turn left at S 5th St 0.1 mi
12. Take the 2nd left onto W Front St 0.1 mi
Boise, ID, USA
The distance between Boise, ID, USA and McCall, ID, USA is 110 Miles and will take about 2 Hours 50 Minutes to drive.
The address of the Boise Art Museum is: 670 S Julia Davis Drive, Boise, ID 83702
3 hours and 51 minutes
10 hours
Boise, Idaho to Vancouver, British Columbia is approximately 640 miles, depending on where you start in Boise and where you end in Vancouver. The drive takes approximately 11 hours.
It is 422.82 miiles according to MapQuest.
There are about 322.599 miles between Boise, ID and Sandpoint, ID.
The driving distance from Portland OR to Boise ID is 431 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 6 hours and 28 minutes.
2,341 mi - about 1 day 13 hours
The address of the Idaho Military History Museum is: 4748 S Lindbergh St, Boise, ID 83705
Approximately 363 miles, a 5 hour, 40 minute drive.
If you take I-84 W and I-90 E than about 8 hours and 17 minutes. Its 494 miles