ou habitez-vous.
(spoken oo-abee-tay-voo)
Source - on this Answers site.
This phrase in French translates to "What street do you live on?" It is a way to ask someone about the street they live on.
When you want to ask about someone's health in French you would say Comment allez-vous.
"Tu habites" in French means "you live." It is used to ask or talk about where someone resides.
Ask God if he will answer or not.
To ask if someone speaks French in French, you can say "Parlez-vous français ?"
Ou habitez-vous?
ou loge tu
Combien mesures-tu?
why do u ask me this questions
To ask someone how to spell their name in French, you can say "Comment tu épelles ton nom ?" which translates to "How do you spell your name?"
Someone help!
"Comment t'appelles-tu ?" or "comment vous appelez-vous ?" are the questions to ask someone their name.