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How do YOU know you are human? You were taught that you are human. A blind, deaf-mute is not without intellect. The most famous blind, deaf person was Helen Keller. Born is 1880. She was taught to communicated through the sense of TOUCH. A teacher by the name of Anne Sullivan began to teach her the names of things by different hand formations that she let Helen feel with her own hands. Helen went on to graduated from Radcliff College, became a teacher, founded the ACLU and was known as a humanitarian and pacifist.

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Q: How do blind deaf and mute know they're human?
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When was Helen Keller blind and deaf?

sorry we do not know

How could a person who is deaf and blind know what others are saying?

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No, Helen Keller was not the only blind and deaf girl. There have been other individuals who have also been blind and deaf, such as Laura Bridgman, who was the first deaf-blind person to be educated in the United States before Helen Keller.

The life of Helen Keller?

All i really know is that she was deaf and blind. Google her and see what comes up.

Did Helen Keller get made fun of because of being blind and deaf?

No, she doesn't because people might know how she feels.

How did Hellen Keller become deaf and blind?

Helen Keller became deaf and blind at the age of 19 months due to an illness, which is believed to have been either scarlet fever or meningitis. The illness left her unable to see, hear, or speak, but she went on to overcome these challenges and became an influential advocate for people with disabilities.

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Blind, deaf, and mute individuals can still experience dreams using their other senses and memories. Dreams can involve sensations, emotions, and thoughts that do not necessarily rely on visual, auditory, or verbal input. The content of their dreams may vary based on their unique experiences and cognitive processes.

How does a blind man tell his deaf brother their mother died?

The blind man can share the news by using touch to convey emotion and writing the message in the deaf brother's hand. They can also utilize tactile sign language or rely on a trusted intermediary like a family member or friend to help communicate the news to the deaf brother.

Was Helen Keller the first to graduate college blind and deaf?

No, Helen Keller was not the first person to graduate college while being blind and deaf. Laura Bridgman, who lived in the early 19th century, was the first deaf-blind person to be formally educated and graduated from a college-like institution in 1839. Helen Keller, known for her achievements in overcoming her disabilities, graduated from Radcliffe College in 1904.

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that brown is a kind of pooey brown, if you are considering clothing in that colour you might like to know that you have the fashion sense of a blind deaf retart