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Yes. You always have to have a passport that's valid past the return date when leaving the US, since you can't enter the US without a valid passport.

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Q: Does a passport need to be valid past the date of return for US Citizens going to Mexico?
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Do Canadian citizens require visas going to Mexico?

No, they don't. Only diplomatic staff requires such document. Everyone else just needs a valid passport to enter Mexico.

What identification do you need to go to Mexico and return?

If you are flying you need a passport. If you are driving over the border you can get a passport card, which is cheaper. If you are only going over the border for a day then I am not sure what you need.

Do you need a passport to fly into Cozumel Mexico from the United States?

Yes, you need a passport to go from the U.S. to Mexico because Mexico is not part of the U.S. If you were going to a U.S. territory and you were a U.S. citizen, you would not need a passport.

Do you need a drivers license to travel to Mexico if you have a passport?

If you are going to Mexico and have a passport you do not need a driver's license if you are flying in an airplane. No. Actually, if you are not driving but simply crossing the border with a passport, you should not have problems reentering the United States from Mexico.

Can you travel to Mexico if your passport will expire 3 weeks from the date your going Im going to Mexico from March 31-April 3rd. My passport expires on April 23rd?

yes. it hasnt expired yet.

Passport required from California to Nevada?

Not unless you were going through Mexico first.

Can a Canadian enter Mexico with an expired passport?

This makes no sense, but I think you mean if with an expired passport you can travel from Mexico to New Mexico or vice versa. In that case no, you need an ID or birth certificate if you are going to Mexico; if you are going to the US state of New Mexico from Mexico you need a passport AND a visa issued by the US government.

What does my son need to travel to Mexico?

A passport if flying there or a driver's license if going by land.

Do Irish passport holders need a visa to visit Jamaica grand cayman Mexico and haiti?

Passports are needed for most citizens to enter countries around the world. Irish nationals who are visiting Jamaica do not need a visa, but do need a passport to enter the country. Grand Cayman requires a passport and a visa if the trip is going to be beyond 10 days and its for business or 60 if you are on vacation. Mexico requires a passport and no visa if the visit is less then 180 days. Haiti requires a passport but no visa if trip is less then three months.

Do you Need A Passport For A Carnival Cruise to Cozumel?

Yes, you need a passport. If you are leaving the USA and going to Mexico then you need a passport.

Im going to Mexico from the UK can you get in country with assault charge?

If you have your European passport, you should be OK.

You only have a valid driver's license can you enter the us from Mexico?

No. Last year the law was changed, you need to have your passport with you when going to or returning from Mexico.