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You need both parents consent, but it doesn't necessarily mean your biological father, it could be a guardian. (This all applies to minors only of course.)

If one of your parents wouldn't be willing to approve of getting a passport, I highly doubt even a mediocre lawyer wouldn't be able to get you out of it.

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Q: Do you need biological fathers signature for an Australian passport?
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Since you were adopted by another man at age 6 and now go by his surname I don't think you can be considered you biological fathers child in the eyes of the law now. Your biological fathers name is not on your birth certificate. You could try and see if social security would except a DNA sample from your biological fathers other children to prove that you are his child or maybe your biological fathers parents(this would be better) if any of them would do that for you.

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Des Styles. He is a Sales and Marketing Director for Quickdox.