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Today 16.05.2012: 1 British pound = 1,253 60 euro.

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Q: Currency in Tenerife compared to England?
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What currency is used in tenerife?

Due to Tenerife being a part of Spain, the currency is the Euro.

What is the main language and currency of Tenerife?

1. The official language in Tenerife is the Spanish language. 2. The official currency in Tenerife is euro.

What is the currency difference from England and Tenerife?

Today 16.05.2012: 1 British pound = 1,253 60 euro.

What is Internatiol code from England to tenerife?

what is the international code for Tenerife from england

When did Tenerife change its currency?

Euro is in use in Tenerife from 1 January 2002.

What currency does Tenerife use?


What was the currency in tenerife before the euro?

EUR - Euro, because Tenerife is part of Spain.

Does tenerife have the same time zone as England?

Yes, Tenerife and England share the same time zone.

Why does the sun set earlier in England than in tenerife?

The sunset time varies depending on the location's latitude and time zone. Tenerife is closer to the equator, so it experiences longer daylight hours compared to England, which is at a higher latitude. This difference results in the sun setting earlier in England than in Tenerife.

What is the financial currency of tenerife?

Tenerife is part of Spain, which is one of the European countries using the Euro. (It is divided into 100 centimos.)

How far is Birmingham from Tenerife?

The distance between Birmingham, England and Santa Cruz de Tenerife (the capital of Tenerife) is approximately 1813 miles (2918 kilometres).

How many hours is tenerife ahead of England?

None it is the same time as it is in England