can prescription drugs as high blood pressure pills, lipitor, etc, be brought from Canada to usa with a doctors note
Yes you can take pets across the border as long as you bring a certificate of vaccination.
fresh produce except citrus
"It can be shipped over here, you can't bring it on a plane or across the border though. You have trouble bringing things across the border a lot of times."
Mostly there is no law abiding reason to bring a pitbull across the border and that is why there is problems in the border.
Yes, you can bring peanut butter across the US border from Canada. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If ever you are in doubt, it is ALWAYS best to declare the product to the border officials and ask them - that way you will not be breaking the law. However if you can not import the item you will have it taken off you. If you assume it is OK and do not declare it you could be breaking the law and be subject to a penalty.
Prescription medications tend to be permitted. Ask your employer what proof they require from your doctor and then bring it to them.
you can bring vegetables but not fruits. I know for sure that in Australia it may bring diseases to the habitat and you can to jail for 10 years and be charged a fine of 60,000 dollars for lying about not bringing fruit
In certain states you are allowed to do that but in NY 77% your not allowed. Hope this helped :)
no it is not
1) Bring the chicken across first.2) Then bring the feed across but bring the chicken back.3) Bring the fox across.4) Finally, bring the chicken across and you're done.
Anything covered by a prescription.