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If your own account is in Euros and you have a cheque book for Euros, then yes you can. If it is any other currency that you are working from you will need to get something like a bank draft. You bank will tell you if you are not sure.

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Q: You have to make a payment to Eire in euros can you just write a cheque out from your account in euros?
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How do you write a security cheque?

A letter security cheque does not seem to exist. One can write a simple letter to a bank to stop payment of a check simply by giving the check number and amount, the account number, a signature, and a date.

How do you write a letter security cheque?

A letter security cheque does not seem to exist. One can write a simple letter to a bank to stop payment of a check simply by giving the check number and amount, the account number, a signature, and a date.

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How do you write a cheque with a spanish cheque cheque book?

To write a cheque in Spanish, you would first need to fill in the recipient's name, the amount in words, the amount in figures, the date, and sign the cheque. The format may vary slightly depending on the bank, but generally follows these steps. Make sure to double-check the information before issuing the cheque.

Can you write a check if account is frozen?

Technically Yes but legally No. An account that is frozen cannot be used for regular monetary transactions like issuance of cheques. Even if you manage to issue a cheque, the bank will not pay it and hence the cheque will bounce. You will end up paying penalties to the bank for issuing a bad cheque plus face legal consequences from the person who was refused payment that was due through your cheque.

How do cheques work?

Basically, a cheque is a written promise to pay the receiver the sum on the cheque. For example, if a workman has finished work on your property, you would write a cheque to allow the workman to put the cheque into his bank account, and the amount would be taken out of your account. It is important to ensure the amount on the cheque is in your account, otherwise the cheque would be returned (a bounced cheque).

Can you write a cheque in your name and pay into another account in your name?


Can you write a check to yourself and cash it at a bank where you don't have an account at?

No. A cheque written to self, can be encashed only in the bank which has issued the cheque book to you for holding the account.

Can cross cheque be deposited in bearer account?

A crossed cheque must be banked. If the or bearer is not also crossed/deleted; then, strictly speaking, the cheque can be banked into the holder (bearer) of the cheque [and the bank teller will write the bank account number into which the cheque is being deposited].Some countries will only let the cheque be deposited into the bank account of the person/business named on the cheque (even if the or bearer is not crossed/deleted).

In the UK can you put a cheque in your account if it is in US dollars?

yes, they must specify "USD" on the cheque they write, or money order they send.