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The best thing to do in my opinion is to break things off with both of them. If you cheat you do not respect the current girlfriend and you do not respect the girl you are cheating with. Go on your own and figure yourself out before other people get hurt as well.

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Q: You cheated on your girlfriend of 4 years because of the lure of something new what is morally right thing for you to do end things with new girl or fix things with gf who is willing to forgive?
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If you really care about your girlfriend, you tell her that you cheated on her and that you are really sorry you did. You promise you'll never do it again. (and don't do it again). If you're lucky, she'll forgive you.

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You cant really make up for it. You need to find out if she really cheated on you first. You guys need to try to move on from this. Just try to forgive and forget. It can be hard. But just try to get a clean start with her.

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Yes, in actuality, Alex has cheated on Lisa a few times. But thankfully she's been gracious enough to forgive him.

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you go and tell him you cheated on him and tell him how sorry you are and ask him to forgive you.

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It depends if you want to forgive her or not. If you want to forgive her then you will have to talk about this and possibly seek counselling together and work together getting by this. If you plan on leaving her she really doesn't deserve and explanation just leave her as she breached your trust and cheated.