

Best Answer



void main()



int marks;

cout<<"Enter Marks of Student=";



if(marks>0 && marks<50)


else if(marks>=50 && marks<55)


else if(marks>=55 && marks<60)


else if(marks>=60 && marks<65)


else of(marks>=65 && marks<69)


else if(marks>=69 && marks<71)


else if(marks>=71 && marks<75)


else if(marks>=75 && marks<79)


else if(marks>=79 && marks<84)






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Q: Write a program to print grade of a student in C?
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How do you write a program in qbasic to input marks of 10 students in 5 subjects and display the average of each students?

DIM grade(6), lowGrade(5), testName$(6), seq$(6) seq$(1) = "first " seq$(2) = "second" seq$(3) = "third " seq$(4) = "fourth" seq$(5) = "fifth " grLetter$ = "ABCD" begin: COLOR 7, 0 CLS PRINT "Test averaging program" PRINT "======================" PRINT PRINT "Lets enter some basic info before we get started .." PRINT FOR ix% = 1 TO 4 PRINT "enter a number (1-100) that you consider to be the lowest "; MID$(grLetter$, ix%, 1); INPUT lowGrade(ix%) PRINT STRING$(78, "-") NEXT ix% enterTests: COLOR 7, 0 CLS LINE INPUT "Enter student name or / to end program: "; name$ IF name$ = "/" THEN CLS END END IF LINE INPUT "Enter student age : "; age$ age% = VAL(age$) PRINT STRING$(78, "=") FOR ix% = 1 TO 5 PRINT "Enter the subject name for the "; seq$(ix%); " test: "; LINE INPUT testName$(ix%) LINE INPUT "Enter the grade for this test (1-100): "; grade$ grade(ix%) = VAL(grade$) PRINT STRING$(78, "-") NEXT ix% CLS displayReport: COLOR 7, 0 CLS GOSUB computeAverage PRINT "Test Average Report for "; name$ PRINT PRINT "Age is "; age$ IF (age% &gt;= 25) = 0 THEN COLOR 6, 0 PRINT " ** Student is underage **" END IF COLOR 7, 0 stuGrade = average GOSUB determineAthruF PRINT "Test average is"; PRINT USING "###.##"; average PRINT "This is a grade of "; grade$ IF grade$ = "F" THEN COLOR 4, 0 PRINT "** Student did not pass **" END IF COLOR 7, 0 PRINT PRINT "Test Summary (those in "; COLOR 4, 0 PRINT "red"; COLOR 7, 0 PRINT " are failing)" PRINT FOR ix% = 1 TO 5 COLOR 7, 0 stuGrade = grade(ix%) GOSUB determineAthruF rptName$ = SPACE$(25) MID$(rptName$, 1) = testName$(ix%) IF grade$ = "F" THEN COLOR 4, 0 END IF PRINT rptName$, grade$, PRINT USING "###.##"; stuGrade NEXT ix% COLOR 7, 0 PRINT LINE INPUT "Do you wish to average another student (Y/N) "; yn$ yn$ = UCASE$(yn$) IF yn$ = "Y" THEN GOTO enterTests END IF END computeAverage: total = 0 FOR ix% = 1 TO 5 total = total + grade(ix%) NEXT ix% average = total / 5 RETURN determineAthruF: IF stuGrade &gt;= lowGrade(4) THEN grade$ = "D" IF stuGrade &gt;= lowGrade(3) THEN grade$ = "C" IF stuGrade &gt;= lowGrade(2) THEN grade$ = "B" IF stuGrade &gt;= lowGrade(1) THEN grade$ = "A" END IF END IF END IF ELSE grade$ = "F" END IF RETURN

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You can use int i; for (i = 10; i &lt;= 50; i += 2) {//print i} as a program to print even numbers between 10 and 50.

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include &lt;stdio.h&gt; int main (void) { puts ("print"); return 0; }

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' '*** PROGRAM: Collecting student data: names/marks. ' '*** Create 2 array variables to store each students name/marks... DIM students$(10), marks$(10) '*** SCREEN ONE/Collect the data... CLS '...(CL)ear the Output (S)creen '*** print heading... PRINT "PROGRAM: Collecting each student names/marks..." PRINT '*** A FOR/NEXT loop is used to collect each individual students data... FOR eachStudentNo% = 1 TO 10 '*** Get each students names/marks 'by typing these values in from the keyboard.... PRINT eachStudentNo%; "&gt;" INPUT " Enter student name"; students$(eachStudentNo%) INPUT "Enter student marks"; marks$(eachStudentNo%) NEXT '*** SCREEN TWO: Output the collected data... CLS '...(CL)ear the Output (S)creen '*** Print headings... PRINT "Student No.", "Student Name", "Student Marks" PRINT '*** FOR/NEXT loop is used to print out the 2 array student 'name/marks' values... FOR eachStudentNo% = 1 TO 10 '*** print out each students 'number/name/mark' values... PRINT eachStudentNo%, PRINT students$(eachStudentNo%), PRINT marks$(eachStudentNo%) NEXT END '...END of program/halt program code execution

How can you write in cursive?

You usally learn cursive in 3rd grade, and you get print-offs on google.