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Since penicillin is obtained from the mould, penicillium, it could certainly help fight infection in a survival sort of situation.

A healthy human being, on the other hand, can usually avoid infection just by washing a cut with soap and water. The body is specifically designed to fight off infection, and safe levels of exposure to bacteria actually help strengthen the immune system

Related Story:There are records of the ancient Athenians and Spartans using poultices made with moldy bread on open wounds. Obviously, there's no study to help us evaluate this statistically, but this may in fact be the first recorded use of the Penicillium mold being used as an antibiotic.

While this method is clearly not up to modern standards of health care, it's interesting to note that, given the level of medicine available at the time, this approach may have, at least to some extent, worked.

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Q: Would you put mold on a cut to help it heal?
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