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Q: Would amino acid be a negative control for Sudan 1v test?
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At Ph 10 what charge would Zwitterion ion have?

At pH 10, the zwitterion would have a net negative charge because the pH is higher than its isoelectric point (pI). The amino group would be deprotonated and have a negative charge, while the carboxyl group would still be protonated and neutral.

The isoelectric point of an amino acid is?

The isoelectric point of an amino acid is the pH at which the amino acid carries no net charge. It is the pH at which the amino acid exists in its zwitterionic form, with equal numbers of positive and negative charges.

Essential amino acid Can be synthesized if?

Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through the diet. If an essential amino acid is not consumed in adequate amounts, it can lead to negative health effects.

What carries amino acids?

All Cells carry, contain and control all sorts of proteins that are comprised completely from Amino acids.

How does DNA control the order amino acids are put together to form a protein?

The triplet decides where one amino acid is to be put into the Protein. In other works, it ' it codes ' for an amino acid.

How many amino acids would be in a protein that is coded by a DNA strand ninety-nine nucleotides long?

There would be 33 amino acids in the protein, as each amino acid is coded for by a sequence of three nucleotides called a codon. Thus, 99 nucleotides would code for 33 amino acids (99 divided by 3).

What Cells carry amino acids?

All Cells carry, contain and control all sorts of proteins that are comprised completely from Amino acids.

A carbon skeleton is covalently bonded to both an amino group and a carboxyl group. When placed in water it?

When placed in water, the carbon skeleton with an amino group and a carboxyl group will act as an amino acid. The carboxyl group will donate a proton and become negatively charged, while the amino group will accept a proton and become positively charged, resulting in a zwitterion with both positive and negative charges on the molecule.

Why are amino acids referred to as a polypeptide?

Polypeptides are short chains of amino acids, they have no functionality as a protein (long amino acid) would have.

Is Ninhydrin used to test for the presence of lipids?

No, Ninhydrin is not used to test for the presence of lipids. Ninhydrin is commonly used to detect the presence of amino acids or proteins by producing a purple color when in contact with them. Lipids are usually tested using methods like the Sudan Red test or the paper towel test.

How do unicellular grow?

They use the same control codes and initial amino acid as prokaryotes.

What type of building blocks would you use to construct a protein?

Amino acids