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Given that there are no badgers in Australia, the answer is "no". Badgers are also larger than Tasmanian devils, so if they did occupy he same country, there is a good chance a Tasmanian devil would avoid badgers. They would not, however, be averse to eating a dead badger, as Tasmanian devils feed on carrion, as well as hunt live prey.

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Aside from the fact that Tasmanian devils and wolverines live on completely separate continents, it is unlikely that a Tasmanian devil could kill one. Tasmanian devils are smaller than wolverines, and they only prey on smaller mammals, up to the size of a small wallaby.

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Tasmanian devils do not eat other live Tasmanian devils. They will, however, readily feed on the carcass of another Tasmanian devil that has died.

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Tasmanian devils are not edible though they would have been eaten by the Tasmanian Aborigines. It would also be illegal to try to eat them.

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If there was the opportunity, a dingo might eat a Tasmanian devil. However, there are several reasons why it would be extremely unlikely:There are no dingoes in Tasmania, which is the only Australian state where Tasmanian devils are still found in the wild.Tasmanian devils are capable of defending themselves effectively with their sharp teeth and strong jaws.

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If there were stoat in Tasmania, which there are not, it is likely that the Tasmanian devil would eat them, if the opportunity arose. Tasmanian devils favour small mammals, but the stoat could possibly be too quick and fierce to be caught.

What is the Tasmanian devil's co-animal?

There is no "co-animal" for the Tasmanian devil. It is a solitary species that does not interact with other species, except to hunt and eat them.

What animal does not get eaten by a Tasmanian devil?

Any animal larger than a wallaby will not be attacked or hunted by a Tasmanian devil. However, there is no limit to the size of an animal it will eat if the animal is already dead, as the Tasmanian devil is a scavenger as well as a hunter.

What competition does a Tasmanian Devil have?

The Tasmanian devil's only native competitor for food is the quol. However, the quoll is a much smaller dasyurid, and is certainly not a competitor for the carrion which Tasmanian devils eat. Foxes have been introduced fairly recently into Tasmania, and they, too, are competition for the Tasmanian devil.

What do Tasmanian Devils eat in the zoo?

The Tasmanian Devil eats insects, mammals up to the size of a wombat, and carrion.

Can a Tasmanian devil eat a dingo?

No. Although both carnivorous mammals, this is where the similarity between Tasmanian devils and dingoes stops. Tasmanian devils are marsupials, with a pouch in which they rear their young. Dingoes are relative "newcomers" to Australia, and placental mammals.