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Global warming would make the earth warmer. However, some parts, for example, Britain, may become colder for a while, especially if the Gulf Stream cools or slows.

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Q: Will global warming make the earth colder or warmer?
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Can global warming make the earth colder?

Global warming refers to the overall increase in global temperatures, so it does not make the Earth colder. However, it can disrupt weather patterns and lead to regional cooling in some areas due to changes in ocean currents or atmospheric circulation. Overall, global warming leads to more extreme and unpredictable weather, rather than making the Earth colder overall.

What might global warming do to us?

Global warming is the same thing as greenhouse effects. They trap a lot of heat and lets the remaining heat get away into space. Therefore, global warming heats up the Earth making it warmer.

How has global warming helped the earth?

Global warming has not helped the earth, it has harmed the earth.

How life would be with less solar radiation?

We would have less light. The earth would also be colder. The only way it wouldn't be colder is if global warming increased.

What do the Coriolis effect and Earth's heat imbalance create?

"Create distinct global wind systems that transport colder air to warmer areas and warmer air to colder areas." p.305 earth science book California edition National Geographic

How does global warming affect storms?

The warmer earth's temperature is, the more frequent and energetic tropical storms will tend to become.

Why earth have a global warming?

There is no such thing as "a global warming" global warming only happens to earth because human and our unruly decrease in the earths resources. HUMANS cause global warming.

How does global warming come to earth?

Global Warming is coming to earth. It is because of ozone depletion.

How does global warming affect icebergs?

Icebergs are made of ice and since the greenhouse gases are making the earth warmer the icebergs are melting.

Why is the earth's crust getting warmer?

Right now, I would say Global Warming. The Greenhouse Effect is the main reason for increasing temperatures on the Earth presently.

The greenhouse effect is making the earth warmer colder or windier?

The greenhouse effect is making the Earth warmer. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to an increase in global temperatures. This warming effect is causing changes in climate patterns worldwide.

Is neptune warmer or colder than earth?

Very much colder.