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There is no sun in Antarctica in June.

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Q: Why would you not get a sun tan in Antarctica in June?
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Related questions

Can you tan naturally after a spray?

Yes you can tan naturally after a spray tan. I would recomend you go in the sun just like normal, with the assistance of sunblock. Tanning would be fine.

Will you get darker if you tan after you already have had a spray tan?

You probably would get sun burned. Its not a healthy thing to do but yeah you would kinda get darker too.

Does sunscreen help you tan faster?

No, sunscreen blocks the sun. But sun tan lotion helps you tan faster. :)

would you need sun tan lotion to live on the sun?

oh yeah definitly. If you wanna tan a lot just use factor 30 but if not use facotr 50. if you dont wanna tan that much try to go to a spot that is in the shade, try to stay out of the sun

How do you make skin tan free?

You get a tan from the sun. :) You tan easier if you get wet first, then stay out in the sun... Hope this helped. :)

What helps you get sun tan?

The sun

What can you do to get a tan faster in the sun?

well my answer would haveto be no. Sorry

Why are lions a tan color?

because the sun gives them a tan

How do you clear tanned skin?

well this is hard, but what i would do and my mum and dad already do is to 1. buy sun cream 2. you see you are sun tanned you get out the sun cream 3. you rub it all over you and then....... 4. get an umbrella or something else that would cover you from the sun 5. walla, you have gotten rid of sun tan well done :D (this would take you about 1 or 2 hours to get the sun tan off) :-(

What ingredients are in sun tan oil?

Sun tan oil is used to help achieve tanned skin. Many sun tan oils are infused with bontanicals. Other ingredients in sun tan oil include Mineral Oil, Cocos Nucifera and Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract.

How can you become tan?

the sun.

What is the meaning of Sunburn?

To burn or discolor by the sun; to tan., The burning or discoloration produced on the skin by the heat of the sun; tan.