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A more United Empire can function better. It allows for a better defense against outside people, and it allows for less rebellions within the Empire. Additionally, a larger "revenue base" makes for a more powerful and influential state.

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they are that they wont be fighting and for more info look up in other web sites

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so he can have it for himself

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Q: Why would it be important for a pharaoh to unite Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt?
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What important thing did the Pharaoh menes accomplish?

he united upper and lower Egypt

How did pharaoh's symbolically show that they rules both Upper and Lower Egypt?

Because Menes was an important pharaoh. Menes rulers also worshiped him for his and what he had done for upper and lower Egypt.

What was the pharaoh to unite lower and upper Egypt?


Where did the pharaoh rule?

The pharaoh ruled in upper and lower egypt :)EgyptEgypt

Who upper and lower Egypt?

Pharaoh Menes the king of Memphis

How did the first pharaohs become pharaoh?

the first pharaoh; Menes became a pharaoh by going to lower egypt killing them in war, marring the princecs of lower egypt, combining the crowns of upper+ lower egypt and then took the title as "Pharaoh" wich means, most important person in egypt. :)

Is Menes a pharaoh?

Yes, Menes was the first Pharaoh of Egypt who wore the double crown of red and white. (White for Upper Egypt red for Lower Egypt) He unified Upper and Lower Egypt. Menes was also known as Aha, Scorpion, and Narmer

Which was the greatest achievement of the pharaoh Menes?

Uniting Upper and Lower Egypt.

The unification of upper and lower Egypt is pictured on what?

The double crown of the pharaoh.

How did Menes achieve to rule upper and lower Egypt?

Menes was a pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt

When did upper Egypt and lower Egypt become united?

Upper and Lower Egypt were united c. 3000 B.C. byNarmer

What date was upper Egypt and Lower Egypt joined together?

Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt were united together by Pharaoh Menes in 3100bc. Hope that's helped.Was accomplished by king Menes.