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Q: Why were tropical plant fossils from Antarctica?
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How do plant fossils and beds of coal support the idea that Antarctica once was warmer than it was today?

There are fossils of tropical plants there.

What evidence supported hypothesis of continental drift?

Tropical fossils in Antarctica.

How are fossils used to show changes in Antarctica?

plant fossils (glossopteris) were found there.

The discovery of tropical plant and animal fossils in Antarctica support the idea that at one time this continent supported a climate?

If you go to google images and search Pangaea you will see that scientist guess that Antarctica was close to the equator.

How do plant fossils and bed of coal support the idea that Antarctica once was warmer that it is today?

Plant fossils and coal seams could only have formed if Antarctic had once been warmer (further north).

What are some tropical plants in Antarctica?

Antarctica is polar: tropical plants grow in the tropics. There are no tropical plants in Antarctica.

What type of fossil would be least likey found in antarctica?

Fossils of tropical plants and animals would be least likely found in Antarctica, as the continent's climate and environment are not conducive to supporting such organisms.

How does fossils show evidence of the changing surface and climate on the earth?

Fossils provide evidence of past life forms that existed in different environments and climates. By studying the types and distribution of fossils, scientists can infer how the Earth's surface and climate have changed over time. For example, fossils of tropical plants found in polar regions suggest a much warmer climate in the past.

How do plant fossils beds of coal support the idea that Antarctica once was warmer than it is today?

ther was alot of vegetation

Why does Antarctica not have any fossils today?

Antarctica does have dinosaur fossils! Dinos used to live there before the climate changed.

How do tropical plants grow in Antarctica?

There are no tropical plants in Antarctica. Antarctica is a polar continent and essentially nothing grows there.

What continent has the least amount of fossils?

Antarctica is the continent that has the fewest flowering plants.