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Q: Why were there opposition to soviet control in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968 and how did the ussr react to this opposition?
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Why was there opposition to Soviet control in Hungary?

When faced with opposition the USSR would always send in the tanks.

In what two European countries did the Soviets put down revolts against soviet control?

Czechoslovakia and Hungary

What conuntires remained under soviet control after the end of World War 2?

The European countries under soviet control were Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland and eastern Germany.

What countries tried to break free of soviet control in 1968?

Czechoslovakia is the country that tried to break free of Soviet control in 1968. Czechoslovakia was unsuccessful in its attempt.

How did the geographical factors affect the ability of Poland Czechoslovakia and Hungary to resist Soviet control?

The geographical location inhibits the ability to resist Soviet control because there are no barriers to prevent from being invaded by Russia. I have the same question for my history homework!

What 2 eastern bloc nations tried to break away from the soviet union?

Hungary and Czechoslovakia

What countries separated the soviet unioun from western Europe?

Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia separated the Soviet Union from Western Europe.

Where was the Soviet Union during World War 2?

Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania

Who did the Soviet Union invade?

The USSR invaded Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, and Afghanistan in 1980.

Who whom did the soviet union form the Warsaw pact?

Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania

What was the soviet alliance with East Germany Czechoslovakia Poland Hungary Romania Bulgaria and Albania?

Warsaw Pact.

What countries were communist in Europe in the 1950s?

Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, and Romania.