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We are often told that the Phoenicians invented the alphabet. Regardless of who put pen to papyrus to create it, the Phoenician contribution was none-the-less major and critical. They were the major sea-traders of the Mediterranean, and they went everywhere. When the Phoenicians began using the alphabet as a simple and easy way to keep track of their trades, it was exposed to everyone. Also they show the other countries that ships could travel around the globe trading important commodities. Phoenician mariners sailed to Mediterranean and southwestern European ports. The Phoenicians were the great merchants of ancient times. They sold rich treasures from many lands.

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Q: Why were the Phoenicians known as a Great Sea Power?
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What were the Phoenicians known as?

The Phoenicians were a Semitic people that built a sea trading civilization in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. By trading overseas, they developed colonies all over the Mediterranean Sea. They built a powerful commercial empire in North Africa called Carthage.

In which way can the Phoenicians be described as successors to the Minoans?

Phoenicia was a major sea trading power.

Where did the Phoenicians get their food from?

Phoenicians were known for their maritime trade culture living in the east coast of Mediterranean Sea where today the states of Syria, Lebanon and Israel/ Palestine are.

What sea did the Phoenicians live near?

The Mediterranean Sea.

What sea did the Phoenicians settle next to?

the Mediterranean Sea

Did the ancient Israelites use the Mediterranean sea for trading?

The Israelites weren't known as mariners or traders; mostly farmers. The Phoenicians were the traders around the Mediterranean Sea.

What did the Phoenicians helped spread civilization throughout the Mediterranean?

The Phoenicians were sea going traders, and traveled all around the Mediterranean. They were an advanced Civilization, and through their trade and contact with others they spread their knowledge and customs.

What ancient culture used sea trading in the Mediterranean Sea?

The Phoenicians.

Who were the sea traders near Israel?

The Phoenicians?

Why dd Phoenicians choose the sea for trading?

phoenicians chose the sea for trading because phoenicia's overland trade routes were blocked by mountains and hostile neighbors.

How did sea enable Phoenicia to become power?

Phoenician mariners sailed to Mediterranean and southwestern European ports. The Phoenicians were the great merchants of ancient times. They sold rich treasures from many lands. Today merchant ships continue the custom.