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The reasons the Navigation Acts were not initially enforced by England was because they were hard to enforce. American harbors where ships could be unloaded were out-of-the-way. The Acts did not successfully control the trade. Smuggling was a common practice in the colonies and England. Also, people who could get a better price from a Dutch ship would often want to, no matter how loyal. It came down to whether or not you could afford it.

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Q: Why were the Navigation Acts initially not enforced by England?
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Identify the four reasons why the Navigation Acts were not initially enforced by England.?

The reasons the Navigation Acts were not initially enforced by England was because they were hard to enforce. American harbors where ships could be unloaded were out-of-the-way. The Acts did not successfully control the trade. Smuggling was a common practice in the colonies and England. Also, people who could get a better price from a Dutch ship would often want to, no matter how loyal. It came down to whether or not you could afford it.

What British law not enforced before 1763?

Navigation Act

Were the Navigation Acts strictly enforced?

It would be false to say the Navigation Acts were strictly enforced, as they were not. Americans were against the restrictions and smuggled the products they wanted.

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It was used during the Navigation Acts of the 1950's, which caused the acts to not be enforced.

How did England respond to the success that colonist had trading?

they made the navigation act that said that England get some of the profit

The Navigation Acts began to be strictly enforced during the time of George III?

Yes, that is true.

What were the Navigation Acts and how did the Navigation Acts effect the colonies and what was there purpose?

there was resentment toward England and altermately lead to the revolutionary war

What were the Navigation Acts designed to do?

The Navigation Acts were designed to restrict foreign shipping for trade between the colonies and England. The goal was to force the colonies to only trade with England.

What year did England pass the navigation acts?

The Navigation act was passed in 1651.

When did England pass the navigation acts?

the English passed the navagation acts in the year 1660

The navigation acts supported the idea that the role of colonies was to provide england?

The navigation act is the support the role of colonies. This was supported by England.

The navigation acts supported the idea the role of colonies was to provide to England?

The navigation act is the support the role of colonies. This was supported by England.