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Q: Why were the Italians happy when they saw the us attack?
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Is Israel going to attack the US for killing Ben Laden?

Why would Israel attack the US? The Jewish people are probably pretty happy that he has been removed as a source of terrorism. No country will attack the US directly.

Do Italians hate us?

I don't know where you are from. The Italians do not hate the British or the Americans.

What pulled the Italians to the US?


Why were Japanese forced to leave their homes more than Italians and Germans?

Japanese people in the US had remained apart from other nationalities, and were visibly different in dress, speech, customs. Following the attack on the US at Pearl Harbor, they were viewed as representatives of an enemy. Families of Italians and German descent were more assimilated into their communities, and were not viewed as markedly different.

What is going on with Italians right now?

most of us are pissed of that some of us don't consider themselves as white. Italians are white. it is not uncommon to have blonde hair blue eyes and light skin. sicilians are not Italians.

What led Italians to the US?

Jobs and space

What did Italians bring over to the US?

Their customs

What did the Italians bring when they migrated to the US?


When did Italy declares war on the us?

The Italians declared war on the US on December 11, 1941, along with their German allies.

Why do Russians hate Italians?

You are mistaken, Russians adore the Italian people, and Italians are fond of Russians.

Why do italians emigrate to US?

Very simple: they want to gain many US dollars.